Club Predictions

Scraping of european clubs predictions and visualization of championship winning probabilities.




September 3, 2021

Hi everyone and welcome in my second blog post.

For this one, we will cover together two of my favorite disciplines, one in Computer Science, Scraping and the other one in real life, Soccer .

Don’t be disappointed 😄, if you are there only for the final dataviz, you can skip to the next section. I tried to make it as much as clear and simple that I can.


So, what website we are going to scrape ?

It will be FiveThirtyEight. They provide data behind some of their articles and charts, including data for Soccer Clubs Predictions.

Unfortunately, the data you can retrieve only cover Club Soccer Predictions and Global Club Soccer Rankings. But our today tutorial data, is based on determining which league club will qualify for UCL1 or which will win the national league.

So, we will scrape it directly, from the league page. For example, to scrape, the probabilities for each club of:

Here is an example of how, the data is presented on their website.

The data is updated daily, what is very interesting because, with some tricky automation, we can follow the evolution of the odds of the clubs to win a season along. But, that is not the subject of this blog post.

Website Page Reading

For the scraping, we need a couple libraries, in particular:

library(tidyverse) # For data wrangling, ggplot2 and friends
library(rvest) # for the scraping 
library(janitor) # for the function row_to_names

So, let’s start our scraping workflow :

league_link <- ""
clubs_rows <- league_link %>% 
  read_html() %>% # Retrieve the complete table 
  html_element("#forecast-table") %>%  # Retrieve only the forecast table
  html_elements("tbody .team-row") # Retrieve each row of the table

Let’s me explain a little bit the code.

Firstly, I retrieve the complete page.

league_link %>% 

Secondly, I retrieve the forecasting table, with the function html_element(). So, where #forecast-table comes from?

To be a good web scraper, you must be a good website inspector. Web developers, create websites with logic, and in order to retrieve data from those website pages, we have to make to make us their logic.

To find out how to access the forecast table, you must go to the page we are scraping (here). Right-click on the table we want to retrieve, and then click inspect. The browser will open the inspector.

Inspector Interface

I use Mozilla Firefox as my browser, you will probably need another process depending on your browser. Google it, if you don’t know how to do it.

Next, you need a little attention to notice that the table has as id forecast-table. It also has as class forecast-table. But, we will use the id to access the table.

For this, we use the html_element() function of the rvest(Wickham 2021) package. When we select the table by its id, we prefix the id with # in our html_element() function.

In the same way, we collect each club row with:

... %>% 
html_elements("tbody .team-row")

Note that we are using, html_elements() instead of html_element(), which selects all the elements (and not just the first one) of our forecast table.

Let’s see what the list of results looks like.

{xml_nodeset (20)}
 [1] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Manchester City">\n<td class="team" data- ...
 [2] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Liverpool">\n<td class="team" data-str="l ...
 [3] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Arsenal">\n<td class="team" data-str="ars ...
 [4] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Tottenham Hotspur">\n<td class="team" dat ...
 [5] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Chelsea">\n<td class="team" data-str="che ...
 [6] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Manchester United">\n<td class="team" dat ...
 [7] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Brighton and Hove Albion">\n<td class="te ...
 [8] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Newcastle">\n<td class="team" data-str="n ...
 [9] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Crystal Palace">\n<td class="team" data-s ...
[10] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Brentford">\n<td class="team" data-str="b ...
[11] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Aston Villa">\n<td class="team" data-str= ...
[12] <tr class="team-row" data-str="West Ham United">\n<td class="team" data- ...
[13] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Leeds United">\n<td class="team" data-str ...
[14] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Fulham">\n<td class="team" data-str="fulh ...
[15] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Southampton">\n<td class="team" data-str= ...
[16] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Wolverhampton">\n<td class="team" data-st ...
[17] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Everton">\n<td class="team" data-str="eve ...
[18] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Leicester City">\n<td class="team" data-s ...
[19] <tr class="team-row" data-str="AFC Bournemouth">\n<td class="team" data- ...
[20] <tr class="team-row" data-str="Nottingham Forest">\n<td class="team" dat ...

Well, we have all, the premier league clubs.

Clubs names and logos

The next step in my workflow is to select for each club, its name and logo link. You should be wondering, why I am not selecting the probabilities I was talking at the beginning. Please be patient, this will be the subject of our next section.

Let’s get the name and the logo for one club, and then generalize for all.

# Let's select the first node 
node <- pluck(clubs_rows, 1)
 team_name <- node %>% 
    html_element(".team-div .name") %>% # Select Team name elmt
    html_text2() %>% # Retrieve the text
    # Delete the points in the name
    # Example: Man City8pts becomes Man City
    str_remove(pattern ="\\d+\\spts?") 
  team_logo <- node %>% 
    # Select Team the img which contains team logo
    html_element(".logo img") %>% 
    # Retrieve the the src attribute
    html_attr("src") %>% 

Let’s see if everything is what it supposed to.

[1] "Man. City"
[1] ""

It is perfect, we can retrieve from a node, the club name and its logo. Let us generalize to all the clubs with a function.

extract_name_logo <- function(node) { 
  team_name <- node %>% 
    html_element(".team-div .name") %>% # Select Team name element
    html_text2() %>% # Retrieve the text
    # Delete the points in the name
    # Example: "Man City8pts" becomes "Man City"
    str_remove(pattern ="\\d+\\spts?") 
  team_logo <- node %>% 
    # Select the img element which contains team logo
    html_element(".logo img") %>% 
    # Retrieve the src attribute
    html_attr("src") %>% 
  # Return it like a tibble

Thanks to the purrr library, we can now retrieve all clubs names and logos.

clubs_names_logos <- clubs_rows %>% 
Team names and logos link
team_name team_logo
Man. City
Man. United
Crystal Palace
Aston Villa
West Ham
Leeds United
Nottm Forest

Retrieve the forecast table

In this section, we will use another function from rvest package : html_table(). This function mimics what what a browser does, but repeats the values of merged cells in every cell that cover.

clubs_predictions <- league_link %>% 
  read_html() %>% 
  html_element("#forecast-table") %>% 
  # Don't keep the header 
  html_table(header = F) %>% 
  # Remove extra headers that we don't need
  # And make the third row the columns names 
  janitor::row_to_names(row_number = 3) %>%
  # Remove extra columns that we don't need
  select(1:10) %>% 
  # Delete the points in the name
    # Example: Man City8pts becomes Man City
    team_name = str_remove(team ,pattern ="\\d+\\spts?") 
   ) %>% 
  relocate(team_name) %>% 

I know it can be a little bit complex for a beginner (6 months ago I was too). But nothing exceptional, if you understand the logic behind each function.

What the data looks like at this stage?

Clubs Predictions
team_name spi off. def. goal diff. proj. pts.pts. Every position relegatedrel. qualify for UCLmake UCL win Premier Leaguewin league
Man. City 93.0 3.0 0.3 +64 87 <1% 96% 66%
Liverpool 89.0 2.8 0.5 +45 75 <1% 76% 15%
Arsenal 81.5 2.3 0.6 +25 71 <1% 59% 8%
Tottenham 81.7 2.4 0.6 +26 69 <1% 55% 6%
Chelsea 81.3 2.2 0.5 +14 64 <1% 35% 3%
Man. United 75.9 2.1 0.7 +7 61 1% 25% 1%
Brighton 76.3 2.0 0.6 +10 60 1% 24% 1%
Newcastle 72.9 1.9 0.7 +1 51 6% 7% <1%
Crystal Palace 70.2 1.8 0.8 -5 48 10% 5% <1%
Brentford 68.8 2.0 0.9 -4 48 10% 4% <1%
Aston Villa 71.0 1.8 0.7 -8 48 11% 3% <1%
West Ham 71.1 1.8 0.7 -8 45 15% 2% <1%
Leeds United 64.7 1.9 1.0 -13 45 16% 2% <1%
Fulham 61.7 1.7 1.0 -15 44 16% 2% <1%
Southampton 63.9 1.8 1.0 -17 42 23% 1% <1%
Wolves 67.2 1.7 0.8 -14 42 23% 1% <1%
Everton 64.4 1.7 0.9 -15 41 25% <1% <1%
Leicester 67.1 2.0 1.0 -18 41 27% <1% <1%
Bournemouth 54.7 1.5 1.1 -38 35 49% <1% <1%
Nottm Forest 54.2 1.5 1.2 -38 30 68% <1% <1%

Let’s clean the data a bit more to make it fit what we want to do.

clubs_predictions <- clubs_predictions %>%
  # the column with "win league" has different
  # name according to the league so I rename it
  # to "win_league" for all leagues
  mutate(across(contains("win league"), ~ ., .names = "win_league")) %>%
  # Rename important columns
  rename(goal_diff = "goal diff.",
         proj_pts = "proj. pts.pts.",
         qualify_ucl = "qualify for UCLmake UCL"
  ) %>%
  # Delete columns with space in their names 
  select(-contains(" "))

# When probability <1%, give  it 0
clubs_predictions <- clubs_predictions %>%
  mutate(across(.cols = c("relegatedrel.", "qualify_ucl", "win_league"), .fns = ~ if_else(. == "<1%", "0", .))) %>%
  mutate(across(.cols = c("relegatedrel.", "qualify_ucl", "win_league"), .fns = ~ parse_number(.)))

Finally, let’s join the clubs predictions dataframe with names and logos dataframe previously scraped.

clubs_predictions <- clubs_predictions %>%
Clubs Predictions and Teams Informations
team_name spi off. def. goal_diff proj_pts relegatedrel. qualify_ucl win_league team_logo
Man. City 93.0 3.0 0.3 +64 87 0 96 66
Liverpool 89.0 2.8 0.5 +45 75 0 76 15
Arsenal 81.5 2.3 0.6 +25 71 0 59 8
Tottenham 81.7 2.4 0.6 +26 69 0 55 6
Chelsea 81.3 2.2 0.5 +14 64 0 35 3

Data Visualization

Well, we had our data, tidy as we wanted. Now let’s visualize it. If you skip the scraping workflow, you can download the data for this section Here.

We are going to visualize it as a facet of a waffle plot for each team. Since the probabilities are represented as percentage, we are going to make a waffle of 100 squares. Each represents a chance for a club to win the league, to qualify for UEFA Champions League or both.

However, to fill the square according to each category of probability, it is necessary to wrangle the data a little bit more, in particular to bring together in a single column the three categories we want to highlight.

So what do I do?

predictions_waffle_df <- clubs_predictions %>% 
  mutate(ucl_qualif_diff = qualify_ucl - win_league,
         remaining = 100 - qualify_ucl) %>% 
    cols = c("win_league", "ucl_qualif_diff","remaining"), 
    names_to = "win_cat", 
    values_to = "win_value"

First, I create two new columns:

  • ucl_qualif_diff which represents the probability that a club qualifies to UEFA Champions League
  • remaining which represents the probability that a club won’t win the league and won’t qualify for the UEFA Champions League.

And finally, i am grouping my three categories into a single column win_cat and their values in the win_value column.

So let’s finally make the waffle.

We will be using waffle package by Bob Rudis, which is clearly one of my favorites.

Unfortunately, the package is not available on CRAN, so let’s install it with devtools:


We will need a few more packages to polish our visualization:

library(ggtext) # For customize the text 
library(ragg) # For the device  to save the plot

To draw club logo images, let’s define a special function:

# The function takes 2 parameters 
# x which refers to club logo link we scraped early  
# width for the img width with default value 30
link_to_img <- function(x, width = 30) {
  # Define the logo link as src attribute to 
  # html img element
  glue::glue("<img src='{x}' width='{width}'/>")

Finally let’s implement our visualization.

plot <- predictions_waffle_df %>% 
  mutate( team_name = fct_reorder(paste0(link_to_img(team_logo),'<br>',team_name), -qualify_ucl), 
    win_cat = fct_relevel(win_cat, c("win_league", "ucl_qualif_diff","remaining"))) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(fill = win_cat, values = win_value)) + 
  geom_waffle(color = "#111111", size = .15, n_rows = 10, flip = T) + 
  facet_wrap(vars(team_name)) + 
    name = NULL,
    values = c(
      "win_league" = "#117733",
      "ucl_qualif_diff" = alpha("#117733",.5),
      "remaining" = alpha("#117733",.1)
    ) ,
    labels = 
        "win_league" = "Win League & Qualify to UCL",
        "ucl_qualif_diff" = "Qualify to UCL",
        "remaining" = "No chance"
  ) +
  labs(title = "English Premier League Clubs Predictions") +
  coord_equal(expand = F) + 
  theme_minimal(base_family = "Chivo") +
    plot.background = element_rect(fill = "grey95", color = NA),
    panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", size = 1.1, fill = NA),
    legend.position = "top",
    plot.margin = margin( b = 1, unit = "cm"),
    plot.title = element_text(size = rel(2), margin = margin(t = 20, b= 20)),
        axis.text = element_blank(),
        strip.text = element_markdown())

Et voilà!


Wickham, Hadley. 2021. Rvest: Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages.


  1. UEFA Champions League↩︎


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Abdoul ISSA BIDA},
  title = {Club {Predictions}},
  date = {2021-09-03},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Abdoul ISSA BIDA. 2021. “Club Predictions.” September 3, 2021.